Saturday, 28 December 2013

Making windows

The starboard cabin is coming along well now with the side window and entry cut out.

An obvious process here but a lot of care is needed.

Saturday, 14 December 2013

Cabin shape

Here we go with the starboard cabin. It took a lot of care to match up the cabin curve. I levelled the hull and used the laser level to mark the dimensions and sand to shape.

Then on with the first sheet of the roof .

Then the second layer which I propped up from inside and added some weight to make sure the bond is good.

Once again I'm back to putting on sheets of ply, which is probably the most enjoyable job during the build as the boat quickly takes on a new shape.

Wednesday, 4 December 2013


Time to start on the cabin. Here you can see the panel which will become the inside of the starboard cabin. This piece was cut at the same time as the port cabin with the two pieces of ply screwed together.
You can just make out the pencil lines of the grid drawn to get the cabin top curve so I hopefully will end up with a duplicate of the port cabin shape.

Here are the first stringers to go on the aft part of the cabin.

And here the inside of the cabin is glued in place and the shape of the roof will be matched to this curve.