
Just to put things in perspective I will try to break down the actual hours spent on each part of the build.  And keep a record on this page. The times are approximate based on how many hours I average per week. Also the times here are only the actual time doing work, not time spent researching and buying materials.

Rudders = 20

Stringers (From rough sawn lumber to scarphed and machined stringers) = 15 hours

Epoxy pre-coating ply sheets = 20

Making Bulkheads = 22

Setting up port frames = 3

Mounting Port hull stringers = 12

Planking bottom of Port hull = 24

Fibreglassing bottom of Port hull = 10

Prepping for painting bottom of Port hull = 12

Painting Bottom of port hull = 2

Decking, cabin and making bunks of Port hull = 50

Fibreglassing cabin and decks of Port hull = 8

Fairing and paint prep topsides and cabin/deck of Port hull = 20

Painting of Port hull = 9

Setting up starboard frames = 3

Mounting starboard stringers = 10

Planking bottom of starboard hull = 24

Fibreglassing bottom of Starboard hull = 10

Prepping for painting bottom of Starboard hull = 12

Painting bottom of Starboard hull = 2

Deck and cabin Starboard side = 50

fibreglass Starboard side = 8

Fairing and paint prep Starboard hull = 20

Finishing and mounting beam holders (lining up hulls)  = 20

Painting Starboard hull = 9

Preparing beams and bolts = 5

Entrance trim and washboards = 5

Motor bracket mounting = 2

Mounting cleats and fairleads = 5

Rudder Housings and Tiller's = 30

Fit out of hulls/wiring/windows etc = 30

Bottom paint = 7

Rigging prep = 10

Total hours = 489

So approximately 500 hours of actual time doing construction work. However if I were to add up the total time I have spent on this project including research and sourcing materials, it would most likely be over 1000 hours.

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