Monday, 16 July 2012

Right way up

A major milestone here as the first hull is turned over. It turned out to be easier than I thought after a test lift showed it wasn't too heavy. 4 people kindly gave me a hand to do the job. The boat was basically turned by one person lifting the bow and another lifting the stern while the rest of us guiding it and putting supports in place.

I took the opportunity to weigh it at this stage and it is currently 87Kg's. I hope I'm on target for the designed weight. It looks a lot smaller now but is much more interesting.


  1. Hi Rodney
    congratulations. the boat is looking great and I would hazard a guess that the second hull will be a breeze, relatively speaking. By the way, despite the 90 kg estimated weight of a KD650 hull being shown in the study plans, Bernd made the statement in the K Designs Yahoo site that his revised estimate would be 108 kg plus paint, plus plexiglass (per hull) so that puts you on target. Would love to have a first hand look and a chat sometime
    regds Bryan

  2. Hi Bryan
    Thanks for the kind words :)
    I had forgot about Bernd's revised target. 108 kg is going to be a bit tough as I'm using 9mm ply instead of 8mm. But I am costantly aware as I'm building, about saving weight so hopefully I'll be close. And most of the ply is 6mm anyway so I hope it won't add too much. Maybe 10 Kg.

    You are most welcome to come and have look and a chat. Email me when you want, no worries.

  3. Hi Rodney
    tried email through the K designd link to no avail. Just wondering if your email adress has changed. Could you email me through the K Designs as mine is current there?
    cheers Bryan

    1. Hi Bryan Have emailed you direct. I assume your address is the same as it was a couple of years ago? Also tried K design group. But I have had it fail to work before also. In fact I just tried messaging myself and that didn't even work :( My address has not changed.

  4. If anyone else has tried to contact me via K Design group and I have not got back to you, it is because the group message service is broken. Probably has been for a long time.
