Saturday, 27 April 2013

Hull 1 done

Well, done enough, for now.

When I started building I was not sure where I would put the first hull while I built the second one, I thought I might have to keep it outside. Recently I realised I had just enough room in my garage to store it in there while I build hull 2 which also meant I could get away with not completely finishing it with regards to fittings, windows, hatches etc. So I have moved it aside to set up for the starboard hull.

I managed to do the move by myself with a little help from a skateboard and some tie downs.

It was quite easy to shift it around, but I took my time. I was worried about it falling over.

Using a tie down here to stop it falling over while the wing support was removed.

And here it is in it's new spot. While it waits for it's twin. :)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. what a milestone Rodney.
    The boat looks fantastic, congratulations.
    PS you really should get some of these onto the forum as well

    1. Thanks Bryan.
      Yeah I tried to add photos to the forum but it didn't work. I'll try again.
