Sunday, 2 March 2014

It's actually this big.

Here it is with the hulls at the correct spacing, showing how big the boat really is. Too big for this photo even. The starboard bow has to go on the other side of a pillar in my garage.

In the photo I am part way through making fine adjustments to the position of the starboard hull, once again the laser level comes into it's own here to help me get the two hulls as close to parallel as possible before I finish the beam mounts.


  1. hi Rodney

    this is the moment of truth all cat builders face: after all those months (years) of working on one hull or the other, you finally get to the point of lining them up at the finished configuration, and you are mildly flabbergasted

    looking good, in any case. You certainly have knocked out the second hull in record time.

    Are you having a dolphin striker on the front beam? Also I meant to ask you who you sourced the CF beam from?

    keep up the good work

    1. Hi Bryan.
      Yea talk about moment of truth! It looks so far like I managed to build two hulls the same size. :)

      As for Dolphin striker, I'll check with Bernd, the gunter rig doesn't need one but I will be using a conventional type rig instead.

      The CF beam was from the same place you got your CF bits. I'm very impressed with it, I haven't dealt with carbon fibre tubes much before, what surprized me is that I expected a dull thud when I tap it, but it rings like a bell.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Wow Rocket...can you fit anything else in your garage at the moment? Great work... x

    1. Hi Lynda.
      Can I fit anything else?... Not really, no. It's a cool thing to be filling my garage with though aye.
